Decommission Legacy Recording Systems

If you are struggling to manage multiple recording systems that contain important interactions, Wordwatch is here to help you.

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Key Features

Streamline all interaction records into one robust platform

Reduce your total cost of IT ownership and data storage needs, while improving your communications compliance and risk management

Save costs, simplify compliance archiving and records management with Wordwatch

Simplify your infrastructure by consolidating interaction recordings and storage into one single point of access.

Consolidate separate silos of data into one central interface offering data consistency, management control and auditability.

Save costs of managing multiple platforms and simplify your IT management, including the need to maintain unsupported legacy systems.

Reduce operational costs by streamlining your architecture, lower energy consumption, and free-up valuable resource.

Maintain communications compliance with Wordwatch

By centralising your data, take better control of your record keeping and compliance risk

Avoid over-retention, with automatic rules that remove recordings once the regulatory retention period has passed.

Locate and retrieve specific records in seconds, for use in investigations, customer enquiries, surveillance needs or following a regulator’s request.

Comprehensive data management controls help you meet jurisdiction requirements and safeguard global regulatory compliance adherence.

Prove Chain of Custody when migrating data from legacy and on-premise archives to the cloud

Wordwatch in Numbers

We are proud to work with regulated businesses around the globe to safeguard their live and legacy interaction records, for today and in the future.


Survey reveals the majority of 250 professionals from regulated businesses are managing and maintaining more than one legacy recording system to retain historic data.


Wordwatch efficiently supports and manages many billions of recording files.


Reduction in storage capacity, as Wordwatch maintains original media format from all suppliers’ recording systems.

“Our trading floor relies heavily on interaction recordings for compliance and risk management. Wordwatch has provided us with a unified view of all our voice data, allowing us to consolidate multiple systems into one single, centralised interface.”

Head of Surveillance

UK Trading Company


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Decommissioning legacy recording systems can reduce maintenance costs, eliminate security risks associated with outdated software, and improve compliance with current regulatory standards. By migrating to a modern, centralised archiving solution like Wordwatch, you ensure that your data is securely stored, easily accessible, and compliant with the latest industry regulations. Additionally, by managing any codec Wordwatch allows you to select the partner that works best for you rather than being locked into a single vendor.

Legacy systems often come with several risks, including security vulnerabilities, higher operational costs, lack of vendor support, and potential non-compliance with updated regulations. These systems can also be less reliable, leading to potential data loss or corruption.

Wordwatch is designed to meet the highest standards of compliance across various industries. It includes features such as secure data encryption, tamper-proof archiving, audit trails, and regular updates to ensure adherence to evolving regulatory requirements.

Yes, Wordwatch simplifies comprehensive data migration at speed to ensure that all your existing recordings and associated metadata are securely transferred to our platform. Ensuring data integrity throughout the migration.

After decommissioning, the data from your legacy systems will be securely archived and easily accessible in Wordwatch. We ensure that all data is preserved according to regulatory requirements and remains accessible for audits or legal needs.

The timeline for decommissioning and migration depends on the size and complexity of your existing systems. However, it takes Wordwatch just two days to ingest 100m records, versus 200+ days for competitive solutions.


We provide full support during the decommissioning and migration process, including project management, data migration, data analysis and validation and system integration. After the migration, we offer ongoing support to ensure Wordwatch operates smoothly and continues to meet compliance requirements.


Our processes and systems ensure that there is no chance of losing data to give you absolute confidence when moving to Wordwatch. Additionally, we maintain backups throughout the migration to safeguard against any potential issues.

Yes, once the data is migrated, it will be easily accessible through Wordwatch. You’ll be able to search, retrieve, and review recordings and associated metadata easily and efficiently, ensuring continuity in your records management.

Costs vary depending on the complexity of your existing systems and the amount of data to be migrated. We offer tailored pricing to meet your specific needs. Please book a demo via the website or reach out via the ‘contact us page’ for information from our team or for a detailed quote.

Manage Risk. Maximise Value.

Contact us today to schedule a demo and discover how Wordwatch can simplify your communications compliance management and create significant efficiencies for your business.